Rewatched in 2021. Heat is the story of a clash of Titans: high performers, perfectionists & maniacs. The fact that one of them is a law-enforcer while the other specializes in high-stake heists is but a contingency, one that allows for a thrilling spectacle and a memorable showdown. The action and swelling tension are crucial, but it's much more than that: it's as if something deeply modern yet grand, far-reaching, perhaps mythical was happening before our eyes. The fleshing out of every character, main & minor alike, and the closure of their individual story highly contributes to this effect. Music also notably conveys a transcending & eerie atmosphere that haunts & immerses the viewer
电影如同患有重病一般吃药疼痛消除时活泼开朗沉醉在爱情中一切看起来都很美好药效退去后副作用发作开始质疑所有的一切自我怀疑疼痛回到身上时除了痛和悔恨就就只剩下失望了故事真的是越看越痛每个人都在勉强正常和崩溃之间徘徊着米拉对生命的不满和期望都只能发泄在父母和男友身上Eliza的表演感觉比在利器中更自然了说她是当今最有潜力的年轻演员绝不为过电影原声实在是太棒了翼装飞行直播摔死完整尤其是米拉在老师家跳舞的那一段最后的love看得真是要人命但不要点人命怎么make love ? fucking crazy birds. @SGIFF